Sunday 7 August 2011

Resources | Whole9 | Let us change your life.


Below is a list of helpful web sites, articles, books, movies and other resources to help you along your nutritional path.

Whole30 References

The Grain Manifesto. Whole9′s simplified explanation of the trouble with grains.

Cereal Grains: Humanity’s Double-Edged Sword. Published by Dr. Loren Cordain

The Dairy Manifesto. Whole9′s simplified take on dairy products.

The Adverse Effects of Milk. An analysis from Dr. Loren Cordain and Pedro Bastos

The Butter Manifesto. Our take on all things butter.

(NEW!) The Legume Manifesto. Whole9′s simplified take on legumes, including soy.

The Peanut Manifesto. Whole9′s simplified take on peanuts.

Soaking and Sprouting Legumes. An article from The Paleo Diet team.

And… GOOGLE! We can’t possibly provide the thousands of reference materials we’ve read over the last few years.

Health and Nutrition Web Sites

While we don’t always see eye-to-eye with everything written on all of these sites, use these resources to expand your scope of knowledge, and practice some critical thinking.

Robb Wolf. Robb’s book (The Paleo Solution), blog posts and podcasts include a wealth of experiential and scientific information (cutting edge discoveries from genetics, biochemistry, immunology, and life extension research) about “the original human diet”.

The Paleo Diet. Web site of Dr. Loren Cordain, founder of the Paleo Diet. Includes published research and nutritional tools, as well as practical, applicable information about the Paleo Diet.

PaNu. The creation of Dr. Kurt Harris, the PāNu approach to nutrition is grounded on clinical medicine and basic sciences disciplined by knowledge of evolutionary biology and paleoanthropology.

Whole Health Source. Created by Stephan Guyenet (B.S. in biochemistry and Ph.D. in neurobiology), who professionally studies the neurobiology of body fat regulation, and studies and conveys time-tested strategies for achieving and maintaining health and well-being.

Evidence Based Fitness. Bryan Chung is an MD and PhD researcher and methodologist in musculo-skeletal health, and is an editorial board member for one of the top sport medicine journals in the world.

The Hyperlipid Blog. Veterinarian Petro Dobromylskyj blogs about nutrition, health and… fat. Don’t let the fact that he’s a vet (or the super-science) deter you – he’s got some good things to say.

(NEW!) Evolutionary Psychiatry. Dr. Emily Deans is a a psychiatrist in Massachusetts, searching for evolutionary solutions to the general and mental health problems of the 21st century.

Whole9 Posts: Talking About Nutrition

The Paleo Pitch. Whole9 helps you explain how you eat to friends, family and co-workers.

How to Win Friends and Influence Paleo. How to help others find their way to the Whole30 program.

(NEW!) Generation P: Our newest series on growing Paleo kids.

Conversations With a Vegetarian. How to talk Paleo nutrition with your vegetarian friends and family.

Whole9 Posts: Staying Whole30 Compliant

Sugar = Sugar = Sugar. Learn to read your labels, and all the disguises “sugar” can take.

Give Your Sugar Tantrums a Time Out. Staying “Whole30 compliant” isn’t just about the food choices you make.

(NEW!) Dessert Demons in Disguise. What to do when the need for “just a little something sweet” sneaks up on you.

Weekend Motivation. The first few days are easy… but what do you do when things start getting tough?

The Carrot Train to Crazytown. Thinking about your nutritional plan is a good thing, but let’s not lose the forest through the trees.

(NEW!) Primal Pacs. A new Whole30-compliant snack kit, with high quality ingredients, from our friends at Primal Pacs.

Whole9 Posts: Troubleshooting

A House Divided. How to manage your Whole30 program without household support.

Derailed. How to manage your health and fitness when life throws you off track.

Unplug, Then Plug it Back In. Having a hard time finding your way back to a “good place”?

Whole9 Posts: Life After Your Whole30

Life After Your Whole30.Whole30 participants offer tips and tricks for YOUR Day 31.

It’s Our Own Darn Program. Melissa and Dallas analyze their last Whole30 experience.

That Covert Yogurt. A reminder that food is sneaky – how to keep post-Whole30 “treats” in perspective.

The Whole9 Guide to Eating Dirty, Part I. Is there really a valid scientific reason to “cheat”?

The Whole9 Guide to Eating Dirty, Part II. How to “cheat smart”, and not go off the rails.

Whole30 Food, Grocery Shopping and Recipes

(NEW!) The Whole9 Conscientious Omnivore Series. How to make healthy, responsible high quality animal protein choices, focusing on a variety of issues.

(NEW!) Paleo Poor: Your Guide to the Grocery Store. How to maximize your Paleo pennies when buying Good Food.

(NEW!) Five Reasons to Go Seasonal. Our Seasonal Produce Guide helps you make fresh, healthy choices on a budget.

Whole9′s “Steal This Meal”. Every Friday, a new Whole30 approved recipe creation.

Whole Life Eating. Whole9 Envoy Tom Denham’s original, Whole30 delicious approved meals and snacks.

The Clothes Make the Girl. Whole9 Envoy Melissa Joulwan’s crafty and creative “Dino-Chow” recipes.

(NEW!) Christie Tracy’s Blog. Whole9 Envoy Christie Tracy’s collection of Paleo-friendly recipes.

And… GOOGLE! There are a ton of “Paleo-friendly” recipes on line – just brush up on your Whole30-approved ingredients and get to cookin’.

Books and Movies – Beginner

The Paleo Solution, by Robb Wolf

Food Rules: An Eater’s Manual, by Michael Pollan

The Inflammation Syndrome, by Jack Challem

Food, Inc. (documentary film)

King Corn (documentary film)

SuperSize Me (documentary film)

(NEW!) Fat Head (documentary film)

Books and Movies – Intermediate

The Paleo Diet, by Dr. Loren Cordain

In Defense of Food, by Michael Pollan

The Omnivore’s Dilemma, by Michael Pollan

The Future of Food (documentary film)

Books and Movies – Advanced

Good Calories, Bad Calories, by Gary Taubes

Lights Out: Sleep, Sugar and Survival, by T.S. Wiley and Bent Formby

The Ethics of What We Eat, by Peter Singer

Eating Animals, by Jonathan Safran Foer

The World According to Monsanto (documentary film)