Wednesday 27 August 2014

Can You Lose Fat And Gain Muscle At The Same Time? -

Can You Lose Fat And Gain Muscle At The Same Time?

"Don’t trust the endless schemes out their promising you to gain 10 lbs of muscle while losing 10 lbs of fat in 12 weeks. Forget it! Without  illegal drugs that ain’t happening. You can follow the most sophisticated diet on Earth – it’s still not happening. You are either gaining weight or losing it. You are either building muscle or losing fat."

The moronic sitcoms we’ve all been raised with always present
the phenomenon known as ‘threesome’ as every man’s dream. There isn’t a
single sitcom that made it to the big screen without an episode
dedicated at least slightly to the idea of a man having sex with two
women at the same time. They want you to want it.

Can You Lose Fat And Gain Muscle At The Same Time?

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However, no matter how many women you have in your bed, you can only
have sex with one at a time. Sure, you can stop b**** one of them and go
to the next, but the pistol can only shoot one bullet at time. Believe
it or not this very simple principle applies to many other things as

We all get to see those millionaires on MTV boosting about their 20
million dollar car collection. Luckily, you can only drive one car at a
time no matter how many vehicles you bought with your bloody stolen
money. The rule, even for the rich, is: only one at a time.

The eternal question whether you can gain muscle and lose fat at the
same time has similar answer. In 99% of the cases you can only do one or
the other. It’s like pressing the brakes and the gas pedal
simultaneously. In order for one to be effective you need to let go of
the other.

It’s simple: to lose fat you need caloric deficit while in order to
gain muscle you need to be at least at maintenance calories. When was
the last time you saw a starving man kept captive gain muscle?

What about recomposition?


Somewhere somebody very optimistic came up with this idea that if you
follow a very specific regimen, you can recompose your body and lose
fat while gaining muscle. Cool, except that it never happens.

If we apply the car analogy to recomposition, it would be something
like driving a few meters and then backing off a few meters and then
doing the same thing over and over again, expecting to get to the other
end of the world by midnight. You can see that similar methods won’t
take you very far. The progress will be so hard to spot that even your
biggest fan will have hard time detecting it.

Sometimes people are able to transform their bodies while creating
the illusion of recomposition. There are a lot of programs that
speculate with before and after photos in order to pull off similar
tricks. However, most of the time the person that supposedly
re-compositioned his body just lost serious amount of body fat
without gaining any muscle. A ripped body looks bigger with a pump and
creates the illusion that the person in question has gained some mass.
In reality, that mass was already there, hiding, all covered in fat

The exceptions

There are exceptional cases when an individual could sort of gain
muscle and lose fat at the same time. One of them are the good old noob gains.
People who haven’t trained in a long time or a completely new to
weightlifting will be able to gain a few pounds of muscle while
shredding a few pounds of fat at the same time. However, we are talking
about minuscule changes that end in a few weeks.

Another situation when fat loss and muscle gains may occur at the
same time, once again in minuscule form, is when the person in question
is very obese.  In order for the body to gain muscle while losing fat it
must be convinced that  it’s safe to do so. The body has only one job –
to keep you alive. Every calculation and reaction is based around that

With that being said the exceptions among natural bodybuilders are
rare and really hard to back with solid results. How are you going to
prove that a really fat man (30%+  BF) has gained 2 lbs of muscle while
losing 1 lbs of fat? Quite frankly, you can never be certain.

The muscle elixirs

Anabolic steroids can help you gain serious amount of muscle while
losing fat. Bodybuilders who grow into a show are the evidence. They get
bigger and bigger while cutting the last few pounds of fat. Naturals
can never do that and the secret is once again the drugs used by
professional competitors.

Hormones are truly powerful. They can make you bigger, taller,
stronger – you name it. When someone is taking steroids and other muscle
building agents the body has no choice but to grow. It’s like a baby
growing bigger and taller – it’s inevitable. Even if the child is not
eating the best foods or living the healthiest lifestyle, it’s going to
grow bigger and bigger until the genetically pre-determined size is
reached. All of that happens thanks to the hormones in the body and the
miracle of life.

Another factor to consider is that steroids make your body much more
efficient at using the macro nutrients found in food. There are many
bodybuilders who have atrocious diets full of junk food, and yet – they
are pretty lean and big. All of this thanks to the ‘juice’.

Of course, at one point even anabolic steroids stop working and if
you are not eating enough, you will stop growing. That’s why
professional bodybuilders are so meticulous about eating big.  Even if
you take all the drugs in the world, you won’t grow as much as humanly
possible without high calorie intake through the day.

So, what?

Don’t trust the endless schemes out their promising you to gain 10
lbs of muscle while losing 10 lbs of fat in 12 weeks. Forget it! Without
illegal drugs that ain’t happening. You can follow the most
sophisticated diet on Earth – it’s still not happening. You are either
gaining weight or losing it. You are either building muscle or losing