Sunday 17 March 2013

Deadlifts: The Best Bodybuilding Exercise

Deadlifts: The Best Bodybuilding Exercise

By Sean Nalewanyj

Are you looking to build some serious muscle size and get a ripped, head-turning body as efficiently as possible?

Today I want to share the best bodybuilding exercise out there that can help you accomplish exactly that.

All it requires is:

A barbell
2) A flat surface

That's it. Put as much weight on the bar as you can safely handle, and pick it up off the ground while keeping your back straight.

Sounds pretty simple right?

It is, but don't be fooled, because "deadlifts" are by far the best bodybuilding exercise you can possibly perform.

It will work you from finger to neck to toe and stimulate upper body size gains faster than any other lift out there.

That's the good news.

The bad news is that although deadlifts are the best bodybuilding exercise available, they're also extremely intense to perform and might leave you wishing you never entered the gym in the first place.

But if you're truly serious about your results, you'll be able to battle through it and reap the benefits. Heck, if you're like me then you'll actually look forward to them.

The reason why deadlifts are the best bodybuilding exercise is because:

They stimulate virtually every muscle group in your body to some degree.
2) They allow you to handle a large amount of weight.
3) They place your entire body under the greatest amount of total stress.

In fact, once you start deadlifting consistently you'll probably notice a "spill over effect", where every one of your other lifts (such as bench presses, chin ups, curls etc.) rapidly increases in weight as well.

While there are many different ways to perform the deadlift, we are going to examine the standard bent-legged version as this is the most common style for bodybuilders.

Sean Nalewanyj is a natural bodybuilding expert and best-selling fitness author committed to providing effective, research-based advice for building muscle, burning fat and gaining strength. Sean is the creator of the "No Fail System" bodybuilding program and president of EliteImpact Labs.

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