Sunday 17 March 2013

Rejecting The Naked Warrior | Critical MAS

Rejecting The Naked Warrior | Critical MAS

In this post, I will review a book I bought almost 8 years ago. At the time I thought this book was excellent. Not anymore.

The Naked Warrior

The Naked Warrior by Pavel Tsatsouline is a book that focuses on body weight exercises. It promises secret knowledge to help you get super strong without using weights.

When I got the book in January 2004, I was already injured from doing the Russian Bear protocol from Pavel’s other book Power to the People. My wrist could not handle the massive number of sets. Because my wrist hurt all the time, it was impossible to safely workout in my home gym. I had worked up to nearly a 300 pound squat, which I could have continued doing, but racking the plates wasn’t letting my wrist recover. I had full confidence that Pavel’s Naked Warrior book would teach me how to build leg strength without having to rack weights.

Enter The Pistol

How does one get super strong legs without squatting? Pavel describes in great detail The Pistol. It is a single leg squat, where the opposite leg is held in a straight position to the front. The video below shows an athlete doing a Pistol Squat holding a kettlebell for extra resistance.

Pistol Squat w 40 lb. Kettlebell by alkavadlo

Looks pretty bad ass, doesn’t it? The math of this exercise also makes perfect sense.

If one does a body weight squat with both feet on the ground, they can instantly double their resistance by using a single leg. Actually, more than double the resistance, because the working leg has to lift the full weight of the other leg off the ground. But it still doesn’t work out to a lot of weight for athletes that have years of squat experience. Pavel introduces the Pistol, which places the airborne leg forward, which makes the exercise far more difficult. And as you see in the video above, once that gets too easy, carry some additional weight during the repetition.

The Problem With the Pistol

Even though I could squat 1.5x my body weight for 5 reps, I was never able to do a single Pistol. I spent months working on the technique. Using chairs for support, I tried vigilantly to master one solid repetition. The most I ever was able to pull off were the occasional jerky sloppy momentum filled reps. Nothing fluid like in the video above.

My ankle hurt and so did my knee. Instead of making my legs super strong, I wasted months trying to balance a solid repetition without falling over. The Pistol sucks for us tall folk. From the article Breaking Down the One Legged Squat by Ben Bruno:
Taller athletes may also find it uncomfortable to do full pistols because their legs are too long and it causes cramping in the hip flexor of the inactive leg. I personally use both methods, but for anyone with knee issues or for taller athletes, I would just stick to a parallel one leg squat to a box.
Is there a safer more effective way to build leg strength without weights that doesn’t involve demonstrating a highly technical move that can take months of practice to learn? Absolutely. I’ll save that for the end of the article. Now onto push-ups.

One-Armed Pushups

Push-ups are easy. Push-ups are so easy they bore the average weight lifter. Pavel addresses this in detail in The Naked Warrior.

If a standard push-up is too easy then using one arm will make it much tougher. The downside is you’ve taken an exercise with very little risk of injury and replaced it with a highly technical demonstration of strength that can really put a strain on your shoulder. I could do regular and elevated push-ups with ease, but struggled to do a single one-armed push-up.

In the end, I never gained any super strength using the Pistol or the 1-armed push-up, because they were both too technical to perform. At least for my 6 foot 3 inch body.

Pavel and me
I met Pavel in early 2004

Bring on the High Reps? Not So Fast!

Not only have I rejected Pavel’s Naked Warrior single limb exercises, but I also fully reject the high repetition body weight exercises. Doing 50 or 100 or 300 body weight (aka Hindu) squats will certainly make you sore, but I believe the focus on repetitions as a metric of success is misplaced. My goal is to build muscle by fatiguing my muscle fibers as safely and efficiently as possible and then allowing time for recovery.

Doing ridiculous amounts of reps will make you very good at doing a ridiculous amount of reps, but is the least efficient method for targeting fast twitch muscle fibers. Minimizing momentum and keeping tension on the targeted muscle is far more important than knocking out additional reps. Don’t believe me?

Do two push-ups and two body weight squats. For the first rep of both exercises do it at a normal 1 second up, 1 second down tempo. For the second rep, slow it down to 3 seconds up and 3 seconds down. Humbled? The weight was identical and yet the 2nd rep was far more difficult. High repetition training may be useful if you are trying to develop a skill, but highly inefficient when it comes to building strength.

The Intelligent Body Weight Exercise Approach

When I went about designing my current body weight exercise program, I had 3 goals in mind.
  1. Exercise Selection: The exercises needed to be non-technical, basic movements that would target the major muscle groups. The exercises would also need to be safe enough to take to full failure. In other words, no 1-legged pistols from an elevated squat box.
  2. Full Muscle Fiber Activation and Fatigue: Most body weight exercises end when or before positive failure is reached. That isn’t enough. I want to use movements that let me safely achieve negative failure as well.
  3. Minimal Time Commitment: I strongly believe in the principles of High Intensity Training. As the duration of the workout increases, the intensity has to decrease. You may pat yourself on the back for going to the gym 3 times a week for an hour. The fact is you needed to reduce intensity to make that happen. My goal is to reduce duration and increase intensity. I’m down to a single 10 minute workout every 5-7 days. It is brutally intense and it takes me 2-3 days to recover from fully. Instead of racing back to my next workout to beat my body up more, I allow sufficient time for recovery.
What is my body weight exercise program? I detailed it in the post Escaping The Glitter: Taking High Intensity Outdoors. The short summary is I do a set of normal reps to pre-exhaust the slow twitch muscle fibers and then perform static holds until total failure is achieved. Then I stop.

Sorry Pavel

I know Pavel has a cult like following and I’m certain to receive some negative comments, but I don’t think The Naked Warrior is an efficient or safe method for building strength. That doesn’t mean it can’t be done, but I feel the time one takes to learn those technical exercises could have been better spent.

  1. Michelle
    I appreciate that you can change your mind when necessary
  2. I happen to be able to do body weight pistols. You’re not missing anything. I get a much better leg workout by doing exactly what you’re saying … slowing down something like a body weight squat. As it gets easier, slow it down even more. A 10 second up, 10 second down rep with constant muscular tension will make it plenty hard.
  3. It happen to me too.I never was able to do pistol squat..too much technical..
  4. Falling Leaves Kung Fu
    I spent around a year learning to be able to pistol. I never could manage rock bottom pistol without a 16kg kb to help pull me forward (I’m 6’1″), plus I hurt my back quite a few times before I got flexible enough to manage. Eventually I came to the same conclusion that single leg box squats were a better option for my limb length / got a better ROI on my time. Still, there are some pretty cool neurological tricks in the book.
  5. Jesse
    I bought the book in 2004 as well. I’m a guy of average height (5’10″)and was able to pull of the pistol in about 3 weeks. It was a crappy one though and I could only do it on my left leg. As for the OAPU I excelled at those 25 per arm in 2 months using the GTG protocol. I also used GTG for 100 pushups in a set. I think GTG was the best thing to come out of the book. I have recently revisited pistols(bored) and have found different progressions to do them. I have found that doing heavy parallel squats teaches your body the technique to perform a proper pistol. Combined with close stance bw squats. You need to learn to use your hip flexors to pull yourself into the “hole”. The csbw squats simulate coming out of the hole. Practice these and pistols to a box or staircase and you’ll get there.
  6. MAS
    @Jesse – Congrats on getting the pistol in 3 weeks. Although I have no plans to revisit this exercise, I’m sure others will benefit from your tips.
  7. Dale
    Pavel was a mixed-bag for me. The principle of Irradiation proved valuable. On the other hand, all I got with GTG was a nasty case of tendonitis. With the pistol, the turning point for me was two-fold:
    (1) Per Convict Conditioning, treat the pistol not as a skill but as a strength movement. Thus, I performed pistols once a week.
    (2) Your video features Al Kavadlo. I watched his pistol tutorial and stopped worrying about extending my free leg. I stood on various platforms, allowed my free leg to dangle, and simply worked on improving depth, which came rather rapidly. From there I simply decreased the height of the platform over time. This allowed the free leg to extend over time.
  8. MAS
    @Dale – I came to the same conclusion. The Pistol is a skill. It took me too long to figure out the difference between developing a skill that demonstrates strength and just developing strength.
  9. Dale
    Hehe, call me a late bloomer. I’m 55. For me it was an admixture of learning that high-frequency simply doesn’t work for me and Convict Conditioning sort of ‘giving me permission’ to treat pistols as a pure strength movement, wherein ample recovery would be necessary. And I even dialed-down the CC prescription for volume. I limited myself to ten focused reps. To start, that looked like 10 X 1. Now I’m working my way to 1 X 10.
    I know that HIT advocates seem to prefer that Time-Under-Tension be amassed in a contiguous set. But my surmise is that it doesn’t really matter how you get your 30, 45 or 60 seconds in as long as the intensity is appropriate.
    Enjoy keeping up with your thoughts! And it’s that much more enjoyable knowing that we agree on things like volume, intensity, etc.
  10. MAS
    @Dale – I agree with your HIT conclusion. As long as the end game is fatiguing the fast twitch muscle fibers and then allowing time for full recovery, the path is probably not relevant, provided the movement is safe.
  11. Dale
    Oh, one other thought. I’m not one of those bodyweight dogmatists who insists that pistol squats, one-armed pushups, etc. are safer than their weighted counterparts. I’d say they are not and should be performed with extreme caution. I do them mostly because because they don’t make sense for an old guy. ;)
  12. Gabri
    Hey guys!
    I read TNW, and three weeks later i was doing pistols (i’m also 6 ft 3 ” tall). 2 weeks later, and i’m doing weighted pistols now.
    Of course it requires not only strenght but also technique, but just as the squat or deadlift, everything needs a good technique, even pull-ups and dips.
    With bodyweight exercises, you can train many times a day, as long as you build to that frequency. If you start doing it many times, with a variation that is just too hard for you, you’ll eventually finish with tendonitis, al least.
    Just be patient and careful.
    Good luck everyone
  13. Sifter
    No offense intended, but I don’t really understand the article nor most the comments. If doing the pistol is more skill and technique than strength, then why not just do them off a platform or step with free leg dangling as one poster above suggested? Also, try doing pushups, both hands, off two softballs. you may find that more productive than either regular pushups or Pavel’s circus tricks. JMO. Great website, by the way.
  14. MAS
    @Sifter – Thanks for the comment. I suppose that is a better idea that I wish I had tried back then when my goal was to work up to a pistol. Today I put out a post on how I train my legs these days where the focus is strictly on safe easy-to-learn movements that generate high amounts of intensity.
    The first comment also has an excellent idea for building leg strength safely without relying on developing specific techniques.
  15. Jeroen Smolderen
    Hi Michael,
    I appreciated your comments on Pavel.
    I was able to do 2-3 pistol squats, in sloppy form though, BUT with full range of motion, right after reading ‘The naked warrior’
    I blame this on my life-long stair walking. (i lived on the fourth floor for all of my 38 year long life with no elevator)
    This, for me is the perfect example of GTG :)
    Having said this though, after a few months of practicing them, and getting up the point where i can do 10 on each leg, the second set 8 and the third set 6, i must say i am still struggling with the proper form, especially maintaining proper balance throughout the full motion.
    It is a highly technical exercise indeed, but very effective & imho very worthy of keeping in your training schedule, whether it’d be CC-style strenght training once a week, or just for practicing the whole body-tension principle.
    Anyway, Greeting from Belgium & KEEP WORKING OUT Y’ALL :)
  16. David
    The example of high reps is of Mat Furey not Pavel. Pavel would never suggest high reps like that . Its no where to be found in his books. His PTP is all low reps. His GTG is all low reps. Only the Kettle bells go to high reps and even thats not 300 reps. You didnt read his stuff.
  17. MAS
    @David – I never said Pavel was high rep.
    “Not only have I rejected Pavel’s Naked Warrior single limb exercises, but I also fully reject the high repetition body weight exercises. ”
    In this post I give props to Pavel for being low-rep.
  18. Dale
    You know, it recently occurred to me that there is precious little in Naked Warrior as to intelligent and non-injurious progressions which can be practiced on the way to the pistol. I did profit from principles found in the book such as overall rigidity, etc. But found out, by happenstance, that negatives > static holds > assisted pistols > pistols worked for me.
    I realized from the get-go that I needed to overcome my fear of ‘what happens at the bottom’, thus careful negatives, initially yielding to the carpet, were the best place for me to start, not that I’d recommend that procedure to everyone.
    Now, to be candid, pistols are still not and may never be a ‘go-to’ leg exercise for me. I prefer goblets, jump squats and a little sprinting, here and there for hypertrophy.
  19. Hello! Im 6ft, and my regular squat suck – I cannot do 5x deep squats with 1,5x my bodyweight (that would be approx 212 lbs). Although Im just on 9-10% bodyfat. But when I read the book, I could do clean and controlled pistols with ease. I think it depends from your background. I also changed my running technique 2 years ago, according to “Born To Run” – I run on toes. My achilles is for now so strong I can run easily 15km with additional weight of 23lbs on my shoulders. Also in snow. I admit, when I did pistols, I felt immediately quite strong demand on achilles. So it may well be, that pistols for “regular” gym squatter are indeed too much – knees, joints. But for me – excellent! I can do them several times/day, without any bad side effects. But I think it requires something which also Pavel may have – rock-solid joints and tendons. Grown on running on heavy landscape, in snow and doing all kind of martial arts activities like I do as well.
  20. Dan
    A lot aof people are misunderstanding Pavels approach to training. The book was written to people who want to be fit, and yet not be exhausted after the training. Basically, you will not grow in size.It is not the primary goal of the program. You want to grow in size – do bodybuilding. To be honest the hindu squats and hindu pushups are for people, that do not have ability to run, its good for overall endurance. Single limb exercises are good, when you don’t have ability to train with weights, when you have weigths – train with weights.