Monday 1 April 2013

Resistance Cardio With Elliott Hulse

Resistance Cardio With Elliott Hulse

ShapeshifterGuysShapeshifterGuys·108 videos
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Uploaded on 3 Feb 2011

Cardio is boring. No two ways about it. OK, I know there are some people who like to job, run or take to the road on their bike. But I don't and most of the people I know don't either.

But cardio IS good for you in a lot of ways. You'll build better lung capacity, more horsepower in the old ticker, and better circulation. But if you go the traditional route you'll also suffer some unfortunate side effects.

Excessive slow cardio can increase cortisol and cause you to lose muscle. The repetitive nature of conventional cardio can also cause injury and overtraining. But not to worry, you can get the best of cardio and avoid the pitfalls with a change of approach.

In this video, our guest coach Elliott Hulse demonstrates his unique form of "resistance cardio". Enjoy! Give it a try. You'll unleash the Kraken within.