More on Earthing
Today, more than ever our lives are spent bathed 24/7 in EMF’s (Electro Magnetic Fields) from our mobile phones, computers, wireless technology, appliances, and currents you cannot even see or are aware of. Our modern busy lifestyles prohibits most people spending any time in direct contact with the earth. We wear rubber and synthetic footwear and live and sleep in houses which insulate us from direct contact with the earth. When disconnected from the earth’s natural energy free radicals can build up and cause inflammation in our bodies which is the start of many diseases. Earthing yourself for as long and as often as possible could dramatically reduce inflammation and enables your body to return to its normal electrical state, better able to self-regulate and self-heal.
Earthing substitute products have been developed so that we can take advantage of earthing while we are working at our computers, watching TV, driving our cars and the most beneficial, while we are sleeping and our body is naturally healing. When using a substitute product YOU are directly connected to the power of the Earth. Clint Ober who found and challenged the simple discovery of Earthing has co-authored a book with Dr Stephen T Sinatra and Martin Zucker called, “EARTHING –
The Most Important Health Discovery Ever?” which discusses the science and research behind Earthing. This book is a must read and will change the way you think about standing barefoot on the earth forever.
You can simply earth yourself by:
- Going barefoot on the grass, beach or any land mass
- Swimming in the ocean or lakes
- Being in contact with the ground while camping
- Going barefoot on concrete that is laid directly on the earth (painted and sealed concrete may not be conductive)
- Wearing natural-soled shoes (i.e. leather) instead of synthetic rubber/plastic shoes
- Use Indoor Grounding or Earthing Mats (see substitute products)
- Most importantly use an Earthing Bed Sheet(see substitute products) at night while you sleep!
Some of the Possible Benefits from Earthing:
- Get a better night’s sleep
- Defuse the cause of inflammation, and improve or eliminate the symptoms of many inflammatory related disorders
- Reduce or eliminate chronic pain
- Protect the body against potentially health disturbing EMF’s (Electro Magnetic Fields) … Read story……
- Lower you stress levels
- Thin your blood and improve blood pressure and flow
- Improve circulation
- Relieve muscle tension
- Dramatically speed up healing
- Accelerate your recovery from intense athletic activity
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