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Super Member Join Date: Jan 2011 Gender: Posts: 432 | Just wondering if anyone has read about this or read the book about carb back loading? Its written by a guy called Keifer (spelling?) For people that havent read the book I guess in some ways its similar to the anabolic diet. You do a keto phase where you keep carbs under 30g, after 10days on that you train and eat copious amounts of carbs. Then you pretty much skip breakfast and only eat protein and fat, at a 50:50 ratio (150g of P and 150g of F). On days you train you back load carbs having a huge amount he also recommends having more more junky carbs, as they spike insulin etc. His reasoning behind this is because of cortisole levels in the morning making it easier to store fat and as the day goes on insulin sensitivity decreases in all tissues including fat, which makes it harder to store excess carbs as fat. Also that after resistance training, the expression of mtor pathways and trans-location of glut4 transporters (insulin independent transporters) makes it much easier to store the excess in muscle tissue therefore increasing hypertrophy on back loading days and burning more fat on non back loading days. He has a ton of articles to site most of his claims. It sounds great in theory being able to smash the types of carbs you desire on training days, donuts, lollies, ice cream etc. I would find it extremely hard to get equal amounts of fat to protein though. Also there are apparently some well known people that use it the only name I remember though is power lifter Jason Pegg and they swear by it. Last edited by kal-el; 22-02-2012 at 06:20 PM. |
Sunday, 23 December 2012
Carb back loading ?? - Australian BodyBuilding
Carb back loading ?? - Ausbb - Australian BodyBuilding
carb - backloading