Hands on With Zeo: Does Sleep Tracking Tech Work? | Greatist
Lots of gizmos and gadgets promise to make you happier and healthier. Zeo’s sleep system is meant to make everything better by giving users deeper, more restorative sleep. Greatist tried out Zeo mobile (courtesy of Zeo) to give you the lowdown.
The whole sell of Zeo is the sleep-tracking technology, which allows users to find out how well they slept the previous night. But most of the actual advice is based on the information about sleep habits that users give in their journals. The sensor and sleep charts act like a kind of barometer where users can cross-reference how well they think they slept.
The gadget also has a nifty — if not finicky — feature where Zeo will set off your phone’s alarm when you’re at your softest rest. I tried this feature for a couple of nights. but I usually woke up before the alarm could kick in or felt groggy when I woke up anyway.
How It Works
A snapshot of my sleep history.
Wearing the headband all night takes a little getting used to, since wearing it too lightly can mean it falls off your head and throws off a night’s worth of data. I tried tightening the band but started to feel my pulse in my forehead — not the most relaxing way to fall asleep.Zeo also recommends getting a new band every couple months to keep the silver-coated sensors from wearing down. This isn’t cheap considering replacements are $19.95 a pop (the entire mobile system
There are some health concerns about wearing a Bluetooth device on your forehead for 6+ hours every night, but Zeo claims the device is safe and far exceeds the safety standards set by the FCC.
Zeo was a fun experiment in hacking my sleep and certainly gave me some insights I might not otherwise have known — like the fact that I usually don’t hit a deep sleep when daylight starts to break. But it’s disappointing that the technology (the headband sensor) didn’t play more of a role in improving my rest. Zeo will absolutely reward dedicated users who fill out the online journals, take advantage of the site’s sleeping guides, and dutifully wear the device. Casual users might be wondering where their $100 went.Have you tried Zeo or another sleep-tracking device? What did you think? Tell us in the comments below.
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